Wednesday, May 16, 2007

web 2.0 glossary

We are talking so much about web 2.0 and sometimes forget that some of us or maybe most of the people need some help in their starting point on the medical 2.0 world.
Here, a short web 2.0 glossary for you.
It's only the beginning.We will focus in each part of the subjects in the near future and will add more new ones.
See it as a first quick lesson.

Asynchronous JavaScript and extensible markup language : ajax is a type of programming that uses a combination of markup and scripting languages to create interactive applications in which only certain pieces of the content on each Web page have to be refreshed, making the Web faster and more responsive.

Blog: Web logs, more commonly known as blogs, are user-generated sites written in a journal format that can incorporate reader comments, graphics and hyperlinks to other sites.

Crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing, although not strictly a Web 2.0 term, is gaining currency as a way of describing the potential of thousands of individuals to come together through the Web to provide solutions to problems that in the past have only been able to be addressed, if at all, by much smaller groups of professionals.

Folksonomy: Folksonomy is a way of tagging content that is created by the user community itself rather than being imposed from the outside as a set standard. It makes content that is relevant to particular users more easily navigable and searchable over time.

Mashup: A mashup is a way of seamlessly integrating content from various online sources into a single Web site or application.

Podcast: A podcast is an audio file that a user can listen to on a Web site or download for playing later on a computer or a device such as Apple Computer’s iPod, other MP3 players or, increasingly, cell phones.

Really Simple Syndication: RSS is a way of marking content on a Web site so users can receive an alert every time it is updated. New content is collected by and presented in RSS readers, or aggregators, so users don’t have to visit Web sites to retrieve the information.

Rest: Representational State Transfer refers to software architecture principles that capture the best ways for moving resources across networks. In the case of the Web, it means the best way for a user to move from one Web page to another via hyperlinks.

Service-oriented architecture: Service-oriented architecture is the concept behind the way applications can be delivered via the Web as a set of services that exist within the Internet rather than on specific computers or servers. Although not strictly a Web 2.0 term, it is the core platform by which Web 2.0 services are accessed and distributed.

Social networking: This term is borrowed from the social sciences and relates to formal structures that show how relationships develop between individuals in a network. Applied to the Web, it refers to the driving force behind sites such as MySpace and Facebook.

Tags: Tags are one or more keywords assigned to pieces of stored information — such as text articles, pictures or audio files — so Web browsers’ search engines can identify and display them.

Vodcast: A video podcast plays on computers, mobile players and cell phones.

Wiki: A wiki is a site maintained by a community whose members share their expertise and interests by writing or editing content in a collaborative environment.

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