Thursday, December 27, 2007

H2-02 : Scheduling Software for Medical Residents

H2-O2 is a medical residency scheduling tool.
The application gives end to end solution for those who are in charge of making the shifts calendar in every ward.
Shifts and calls for schedules can be created with one click using the Typical Week feature. Holidays and other circumstances can be adjusted around the regular shift and call times. Additionally, H2-O2 keeps track of requests for days off, visiting residents, minimum time required between shifts or calls, number of weekend calls or shifts, number of day shifts and nightshifts, and desired number of calls for each resident.
Automatic highlighting shows candidates who qualify for shifts—there’s also an instant pro and cons bubble which shows up before you add a resident to a particular shift. Mistakes are highlighted in red, while free personnel are indicated in green.
Should you make any mistakes entering dates or other data the program highlights the problem as soon as it is detected. That way you can correct it with no wasted time.
Its a sort of medical /health calendar 2.0

Looks it has the potential to bring some value to Sisyphean and even frustrating task.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

imedix is one of the finalist in the "crunchies"

IMEDIX - the health 2.o company is one of the top 100 finalists in the "crunchies" .
The Crunchies is a collaboration project between Techcrunch, Read/Write web, Venturebeat and Gigaom aiming to crown the winning startups in no less than 20 categories.
IMEDIX is candidate in the "Best new start-up of 2007" sector.

We all should seek for their success and try helping them by voting.

Two steps barrier for reaching the crowd attention on the medical 2.0 sector

I want to share with you the attached review. Its about NPD survey which tried to understand and asses the popularity of classic health 2.0 sites . Google spreadsheet, for example.

The answer is defenitive. Most of the people have never heard about them. Ninety-four percent of U.S. consumers have never heard of Web-based productivity suite alternatives. A mere 0.5 percent have substituted Web-based productivity suites for desktop software such as Microsoft Office.

What we can learn from that concerning the health 2.0 sector? :

Its going to be long journey. We have to face with "two steps barrier" :

1. The attention barrier of the general public
2.The attention barrier of the professionals ( especially physicians and researchers).

Why is it "two steps"?

The answer is found in the history of technology/web.
Physicians by definition are "late adaptors".

Business developement strategy:

1. The sectors of the consumers are maybe more attractive for the short time.
2. To act and manage your medical 2.0 platforms ( for professionals) with deep breath (and maybe pocket) and ability for making strategic decisions whuch serves you for the long term.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Videos on- line in the service of medicine


Watch the attached article which described the arising trend of using the power of the video on-line for the service of practitioners

Physicians use video sharing sites like Youtube for sharing and spreading videos about their service as physicians ( mostly medical procedures).
Others are produce more complex and expensive videos for their own sites.
Mostly its for marketing and P.R but Im sure that the general public as well professionals will earn some high quality professional content . This will happen when the big hospitels will share some of their activities via on-line videos (surgeries, procedures, treatments etc.)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Special video program about Microsoft's Healthvault

This weekend belonges to the giants ( only in my blog).
I want to share with you a special video program about Healthvault - Microsoft plan and vision regarding the health sector on the net (their plan and vision on the health 2.0 sector).
The program was recorded by Bill Crounse, MD - Microsoft's worldwide health director . The link is from his blog.There you can watch and here this program via various formats.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Google's Knol - In the eyes of the Health 2.0 sector

Yesterday Google announced Googles Knol - Their new project who will compete wikipedia.The concept is almost the same with some variants. Authors will edit and write about specific items. The result will be mapping and sharing the overall knowledge that are kept by the crowds.The idea, probably is that in some sectors like Health and Science , key knowledge leaders will be in front of the crowd and manage the knowledge in their specialized sectors.
Its going to be interesting how it will influence the the health and science sectors.
We should understand that gooles motivation is that this Knols pages, at least the populars on every items wull be ranked on the top of Googles search engine.
Googles also announced that there will be possibility to add ads on the Knols pages.Now you can imagine that there will be people and firms on the health sectors who will find great interests on specific Knols pages. The end result can be an enchanted circle.Big firms and other "deep pockets" organizations that put adds on specific Knols pages and contribute by marketing inside and outside the web for the popularity of these pages. Another posibillity is hiring key leaders to write specific items by firms/organizations.Some of this writing can be inflenced and not totally objective.

Anyhow its going to be interesting from the web 2.0 as well Health /medicine 2.0 perpective.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The other side of the "Health 2.0" trend - obstacle or opportunity

I was talking and wrote lately about the indications for what I called : " The Health 2.0 trend".
Indeed there is much more interest from the mainstream web 2.0 community towards the Health/medicine 2.0 niche.
But still most of our optional consumers ( both professionals and patients) are not aware of these applications on the net.
The best description I read lately about this subject was by Peter Beck in his blog .
Peter described well how most of the physicians are lacking basic knowledge and even interest on the current developement on the net.
Most of them are not using internet platforms for their education and professional knowledge. Others , most of the time, are using only traditionals platforms like searching via google, searching in medline etc.

By coincidence I disscused this situation with my partner and one of the Co-Founders of "Medical 2.0 Directory".
We are feeling the same way but for us its an opportunity not an obsstacle.
Im positively sure that the the number of users will grow more and more.
I believe that its not a matter of years but a matter of monthes.

Look where the general social networking such as Facebook is standing today comparing to last year. Today you can ask your neighbor if he has page on facebook.Maybe you will get a positive or a negative answer but surely he will not stare eyes on you.
Thats what I mean by "Health 2.0 trend". We are far away from this position, yet, but it soon to be come. This will be in two parallel vectors. The adoption of the health 2.0 applications by professionals as the adoption by consumers/patients.
Together they will create a major power in the web 2.0 world.
The early signs I mentioned lately are already here.
We, the early adaptors and the initiators of ventures in the field should feel like pioneers . We have vision and we have to move with it in front of our eyes.

This post can be understood somehow contradictory to the statement I wrote previousley- that we must be more criticized with the new ventures upcoming in our field.
Well, criticism will make our niche more grown up and developed in a faster way . By being more critical with ourselves we will be more suited when the small river will become to a stormy one.